Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Remember to go out and vote if you haven't already! Sometimes elections are very close so every vote matters even if you think your one vote won't change anything. Voting gives us a voice in the government and allows us to control who will lead this country for at least the next four years. Also, you're not just voting for the presidential election, but the local elections as well. Your vote has a huge impact on who gets elected locally because there are way less people voting. It's very important to know your local officials because they're the ones who are going to impact you the most! Something I hear a lot is "if you don't vote, you don't have the right to complain." and I completely agree. You have every opportunity to make an impact and not voting won't allow that. Voting is not required, but in my opinion it's a responsibility.


  1. Andrew- I agree with you that if you dont vote you dont have any right to complain. Now that the election is over I think that that is a big thing most people are forgetting. So many people upset when their party did not win, yet a lot of people never voted.

  2. Voting is one of the most important things we can do as Americans. It gives us an opportunity to voice our opinions without confronting anyone. Many people keep to themselves but make sure to show their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with their feet by going to the voting booths.
