Sunday, November 6, 2016


At the beginning of last week Trump released a new ad attacking Hillary Clinton. In this ad they talk about how Hillary's foundation has been funded by criminals, dictators and enemies of the United States. The ad is definitely well put together but he never attacks her with facts or directly backs up his arguments. It's only a 30 second ad, so not much should be expected but I do find it interesting. The only part that is now irrelevant is when it talks about how the FBI opened a new investigation. As of Sunday the investigation has been closed for a second time, so it's not a valid point anymore (unless of course they open it for a third time).

1 comment:

  1. Andrew, these are some great post you have all through out this blog. I decided to comment on this one because I the video really caught my eye. This Trump ad video could not have been anymore right, "After decades of lies and scandal her corruption is closing in." Her lies and scandals closed in on her really hard Tuesday when Donald Trump won the election. This video just slightly touches base on the whole pay to play scandal involving Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State. It is pretty obvious that she was heavily involved in pay to play politics; the most obvious example can be seen in the rebuilding of Haiti. Keep up the great post!
