Sunday, November 6, 2016

FBI Decides not to Prosecute Clinton

FBI Director James Comey said Sunday that the agency has reviewed all of the Hillary Clinton emails recently discovered in an unrelated case and that his conclusion in July not to prosecute Clinton after the FBI’s original investigation into her use of a private email server still stands. This comes as a surprise to most because it seems like the FBI is just wasting their time. They didn't find anything the first time and people figured that if they were going to reopen the investigation, they might have a little more to go on, but I guess that wasn't the case. This is a slight blow to Trump because he's basically been promising people that the FBI would find something and Hillary would be thrown in jail. I guess there aren't very many questions left when it comes to this email scandal. What are your thoughts on this whole situation? Was the FBI pressured into reopening their investigation?

1 comment:

  1. The bigger questions is how the FBI came to the conclusion so quickly after over 20k more emails were released? The amount of time taken to go over the emails vs. the first investigation is astonishing. Must have hired a couple hundred people to read through them..
