Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Focus on Presidency

Donald Trump tweeted Wednesday that he has decided to leave his businesses in order to solely focus on being President, which is the opposite of what he said previously about being able to handle both. "I will be leaving my great business in total in order to fully focus on running the country in order to make America great again," he said in a series of early morning tweets. "While I am not mandated to do this under the law, I feel it is visually important, as president, to in no way have a conflict of interest with my various businesses." He said the Presidency is a far more important task, which I completely agree with. It’s good to see that he cares more about this country than his own business, but then again that’s how it should be. Running this country properly is definitely a huge task for anyone, so it is important that he give it 110%. Our country is in his hands now. As of now he will allow his three eldest children run the business, so it seems like its in good hands. What does this mean for his businesses? Will has businesses still thrive like he says they will?

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Trump on 60 Minutes

Donald Trump was recently interviewed on 60 Minutes, where he discussed his election victory and also his plans moving forward. This is actually a very wonderful interview, it's a little long but definitely worth the time to listen to. He talks positively about Hillary Clinton and also President Obama and how their meeting was only supposed to last no more than 15 minutes but ended up going over two hours. After watching the interview it allows me to connect to him more. Sure he's said and down some pretty awful stuff, but he's human like the rest of us. Everyone makes mistakes and it's very important to learn from them and move on. If you watched the interview what do you think about it?

Romney emerges from dinner with Trump

Donald Trump sat down with Mitt Romney for dinner Tuesday evening which is pretty surprising because Romney has never really had anything good to say about Trump. “They talked for more than two hours, they laughed, they munched on carefully prepared frog legs, and afterward, Mitt Romney, once one of Donald Trump's harshest critics, emerged a changed man”. This is pretty interesting to me because I personally don’t think people can change their opinion about someone that fast, especially when he never supported him to begin with. I think the meeting was more of a publicity stunt in a way, but also they met in order to bring the republican party together. Romney said "What I've seen through these discussions I've had with President-elect Trump, as well as what we've seen in his speech the night of his victory, as well as the people he's selected as part of his transition, all of those things combined give me increasing hope that President-elect Trump is the very man who can lead us to that better future". Is it me, or does the picture make the meeting look very awkward? What are your thoughts on the meeting? Do you think they will actually get a long or do you think something else is going on behind the scenes?

Trump pledged to keep Carrier jobs in U.S.

Earlier in the year Carrier announced that they were going to move 1,400 jobs from their home in Indiana to Mexico because it was extremely cost effective. On Tuesday Carrier announced that they were going to keep 1,000 jobs in Indiana, which is a huge victory for Donald Trump because he promised that he will keep jobs in the United States. “The New York Times reported that Trump was planning to reiterate his campaign plan to lower taxes and reduce regulation on businesses while toning down his threats of tariffs on imported products from companies who move jobs out of the United States”. This is the second time Trump has claimed credit for a company’s decision to not move jobs across the border. The first one involved Ford, which wanted to move part of their production to Mexico. This has been extremely controversial because apparently Ford never planned on moving to part of production to Mexico in the first place. The plan was to shift production of a single model from Kentucky, to an undetermined location. At the end of the day I don’t think it matters who takes credit for this kind of stuff. If the jobs are staying in the United States that’s all that matters.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Anything is Possible

This is probably going to be the last thing I post about the election, but I found this too funny not to post. This short video is pure comedy, its from when Donald Trump first decided to run for president. Literally everyone was against him, even his own party. They were trying to figure out how to derail his campaign practically before it even began. Nice to see that anything is possible, even of everyone is against you.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Hillary Wins Popular Vote

Everyone is freaking out because in the recent election, Donald Trump actually lost the popular vote, but won the election. In a recent interview he said "if the election were based on total popular vote i would have campaigned in New York, Florida and California and won even bigger and more easily. The electoral college is actually genius in that it brings all states, including the smaller ones, into play. Campaigning is so much different".
Riots are breaking out all over the country because people believe the electoral college is flawed. This isn't the first time someone has won the popular vote and lost the election. In 2000, Al Gore won the popular vote but ended up losing the election to George W. Bush. It seems like most people either don't remember that, or choose not to talk about it. Maybe the electoral college is flawed, but instead of rioting we should all come together and figure out what needs to be changed. Also the popular vote was actually pretty close, it's not like Trump got blown away, meaning almost half the country voted for him. As of now the final tally was 62,825,754 (47.8%) for Hillary and 61,486,735 (47.2%) for Trump. What do you think should be done to change the electoral college?

Trump Visits the White House

On November 10th Donald Trump met with President Obama in the Oval office for a 90 minute meeting. The meeting was pretty interesting because President Obama has always said Donald Trump was unqualified, unfit and a threat to this republic, and also said he should never be president. This is really no surprise because they have never really gotten along and Trump considers him to be one of the weakest presidents. In the meeting Obama said "I want to emphasize to you, Mr. President-elect, that we now are going to want to do everything we can to help you succeed because if you succeed, then the country succeeds". It's good to see these two put the past behind them and moving forward Obama is willing to work with him. The hand shake between the two seemed a little awkward and everyone on social media is making memes out of it, but other than that it seemed like the meeting was pretty productive.

Trump Wins Election

After a long day of counting votes, the numbers are in and the next President of the United States is Donald Trump. Though he didn't win the popular vote, he won the electoral vote 306 to 232. That's a pretty large margin of victory. Trump said during his victory speech that he pledges to every citizen of our land that he will be president for all Americans. He also said “for those who have chosen not to support me in the past, of which there were a few people, I’m reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so we can work together and unify our great country. He acknowledged that Hillary worked extremely hard and we all owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service. This has been a n extremely controversial election, and even of you don’t like Donald Trump I still believe everyone should at least try and give him a chance. He deserves a shot to show the American people what he can do, and it's not like he can screw this country up any more than it is already. What are your thoughts on the election results? 

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Remember to go out and vote if you haven't already! Sometimes elections are very close so every vote matters even if you think your one vote won't change anything. Voting gives us a voice in the government and allows us to control who will lead this country for at least the next four years. Also, you're not just voting for the presidential election, but the local elections as well. Your vote has a huge impact on who gets elected locally because there are way less people voting. It's very important to know your local officials because they're the ones who are going to impact you the most! Something I hear a lot is "if you don't vote, you don't have the right to complain." and I completely agree. You have every opportunity to make an impact and not voting won't allow that. Voting is not required, but in my opinion it's a responsibility.

Sunday, November 6, 2016


At the beginning of last week Trump released a new ad attacking Hillary Clinton. In this ad they talk about how Hillary's foundation has been funded by criminals, dictators and enemies of the United States. The ad is definitely well put together but he never attacks her with facts or directly backs up his arguments. It's only a 30 second ad, so not much should be expected but I do find it interesting. The only part that is now irrelevant is when it talks about how the FBI opened a new investigation. As of Sunday the investigation has been closed for a second time, so it's not a valid point anymore (unless of course they open it for a third time).

FBI Decides not to Prosecute Clinton

FBI Director James Comey said Sunday that the agency has reviewed all of the Hillary Clinton emails recently discovered in an unrelated case and that his conclusion in July not to prosecute Clinton after the FBI’s original investigation into her use of a private email server still stands. This comes as a surprise to most because it seems like the FBI is just wasting their time. They didn't find anything the first time and people figured that if they were going to reopen the investigation, they might have a little more to go on, but I guess that wasn't the case. This is a slight blow to Trump because he's basically been promising people that the FBI would find something and Hillary would be thrown in jail. I guess there aren't very many questions left when it comes to this email scandal. What are your thoughts on this whole situation? Was the FBI pressured into reopening their investigation?

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The Votes Are In!

After the debate Monday night many of the news sites released their own poll to see who the people thought won the debate. Interestingly enough many of the polls showed Donald Trump was in the lead by a decent margin. Yes these polls are just for fun, but they may still be quite important because it shows who the people favor. The Fox News poll has Trump winning 50% to Clinton's 35%. Its understandable to think the Fox News poll is slightly bias, because Fox tends to favor the Republicans. Also has Trump winning 52% to 48% after more than 1,300,000 votes were cast. This leads me to my question, do these polls mean anything to you? Or are they something you look at and don't think anything of? I personally think they are kind of important because like I said, they allow you to see what other people think.

Monday, September 26, 2016

It'll be interesting to see how the media sides with certain candidates after tonight's debate. I believe it was a fairly interesting debate that millions of people watched and it just showed us what we already knew. Hillary was going to attack Trump and Trump was going to return the favor. Trump was on his heels for a large portion of the debate, but he had a few zingers thrown in there. Depending on which news network you watch in the coming days, you will hear differing opinions on who won, and why. Fox News will probably tell us that Trump kept his cool and did what he had to do while CNN will tell us that Hillary was very presidential and showed the temperament that our commander in chief will need to display. You need to watch the debate to form your own opinion and mainly listen to the mass media's analysis for other's points of view; don't let them formulate your thoughts for you.